USDA FoodData Central

FoodData Central is an integrated data system that provides expanded nutrient profile data and links to related agricultural and experimental research.

FoodData Central takes the analysis, compilation, and presentation of nutrient and food component data to a new level. FoodData Central:

  • Can be used by, and has benefits for, a variety of users, including researchers, policy makers, academicians and educators, nutrition and health professionals, product developers, and others.
  • Includes five distinct data types that provide information on food and nutrient profiles: Foundation Foods, Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies 2017-2018 (FNDDS 2017-2018), National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Legacy Release (SR Legacy), USDA Global Branded Food Products Database (Branded Foods), and Experimental Foods. Each of these data types has a unique purpose and unique attributes.
  • Links these distinct data types in one location, thus strengthening the ability of researchers, policy makers, and others to address vital issues related to food, nutrition, and diet-health interactions.
  • Provides a broad snapshot in time of the nutrients and other components found in a wide variety of foods and food products.